
Golden Week!  good liquor and its companion foods.
心臓・循環器 · 2024/05/01
How do you plan to spend Golden Week? For those who plan to enjoy some drinks during this holiday, here's some essential information. When it comes to drinking alcohol, you might think of "sashimi!" as the perfect accompaniment, but there's another item, "this," that many people also enjoy alongside their drinks. Today, let's talk about "this." When you drink alcohol, some people turn red themselves, while others might have friends who do. When you drink alcohol, there's a reaction happening...

心臓・循環器 · 2024/04/30
みなさん、ゴールデンウィークはどのようにお過ごしの予定でしょうか。 この連休はお酒を飲むぞ!という方には必見の情報です。 お酒のお供と言えば「お刺身!」という声が聞こえてきそうですが、もうひとつ、「これ」をお供にされている方もたくさんいらっしゃるとおもいます。 今日はその「お供」の話です。...

Vegetable Effective for Maintaining Heart Health: That Vegetable Kids Initially Dislike
心臓・循環器 · 2024/04/25
When I was 16, I studied abroad in the UK, staying with a British-Italian family where an Italian mama made pizza and pasta for me every day. Until then, apart from home economics classes, I had hardly cooked, so the pizzas and pastas we made together at that time are still vividly remembered. Even now, my seasoning is based on the recipes handed down by the Italian mama. One thing she used without fail every day was "tomatoes." When I stayed in Italy, various sparkling tomatoes lined the...

心臓・循環器 · 2024/04/24