
Golden Week! good liquor and its companion foods.

How do you plan to spend Golden Week?

For those who plan to enjoy some drinks during this holiday, here's some essential information.


When it comes to drinking alcohol, you might think of "sashimi!" as the perfect accompaniment, but there's another item, "this," that many people also enjoy alongside their drinks.

Today, let's talk about "this."


When you drink alcohol, some people turn red themselves, while others might have friends who do. When you drink alcohol, there's a reaction happening inside your body. Your blood flow temporarily increases to eliminate unnecessary alcohol components, and then your body gradually cools down. This reaction is essential for your body. During this process, if the walls of your blood vessels are thin, you're more likely to turn red, and your body also becomes colder. Even though your body feels warm while drinking, you might suddenly feel cold after a while. This reddening also indicates that your capillaries may be bursting, leaking blood externally. Capillary rupture is common, but if it occurs frequently, it can lead to ageing. I'm not talking about personality here. Fragile blood vessels also make you more prone to cardiovascular diseases. It's a very serious matter.


The saviour in this situation is "this."

Turmeric, also known as Curcuma, is a food ingredient. Many people buy the power of turmeric drink ‘Ukon no Chikara’ at convenience stores and use it as an accompaniment to prepare for drinking alcohol. I've had experiences where I felt better the next day after consuming Ukon no Chikara. So, why does turmeric have an effect on alcohol? Have you ever thought about it?


Turmeric is often used as a medicinal herb in various parts of the world, including traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda in India, and more. In fact, turmeric has the effect of thickening blood vessel walls. By continuously consuming turmeric orally, it strengthens the blood vessels.

Turmeric not only strengthens blood vessels but also has the following roles:


3 Other Benefits of Turmeric

Anti-inflammatory effects: Curcumin, the main component of turmeric, suppresses inflammatory reactions and can alleviate symptoms of inflammatory diseases, especially chronic conditions like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Antioxidant effects: Powerful antioxidants in turmeric can neutralise free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress on cells and helping prevent ageing and chronic diseases.

Brain health promotion: Turmeric is suggested to promote the growth of nerve cells and improve memory and learning abilities. Research also suggests it may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.


You'd want to incorporate the medicinal power of turmeric into your daily meals. Everyone's favourite curry is a typical dish that utilises turmeric.

Today, I'll introduce a curry dish that can be enjoyed as a companion to alcohol and also included in Golden Week bento boxes.



Onion and Chickpea Samosas (Gluten-Free)


8 sheets Rice paper 

380g Chickpeas 380g

1 Onion

200g Potatoes

1 Clove of garlic

1 Piece of ginger

Some olive oil

Some salt


[Curry Spice Mix]

1 teaspoon of turmeric powder

*1 teaspoon of cumin seeds

*¼ teaspoon of long pepper

*¼ teaspoon of cardamom

*¼ teaspoon of cinnamon

(*If unavailable, just basic curry powder mix  is also acceptable)



In a pot, sauté minced ginger, garlic, and onion in olive oil.

Cut the potatoes into bite-sized pieces, boil them until tender, then add them to step 1. Along with that, add chickpeas and sauté together. Add curry spices and salt. This creates the bean curry.

Roll the bean curry from step 2 in softened rice paper, then fry it in oil like spring rolls until golden brown.


My 4-year-old son eats this, so the above recipe is not spicy at all. If you desire more spice, you can add chilli peppers or use curry powder with spice.


I wrote the recipe using powdered turmeric, but recently I had the opportunity to use fresh turmeric that I received. I saw fresh turmeric for the first time, and it looks similar to ginger. It was so precious that I wanted to use it carefully, but I decided to use it generously in the curry while it was fresh. Fresh turmeric has a very good fragrance, and it adds a moderate bitterness characteristic of medicinal herbs, resulting in a slightly more unique flavour than the usual curry. Thanks to that, the next day, I felt like my body was somehow warmer.


When turmeric is added, the curry becomes more vibrant in colour and aroma.

Certainly, it's hard to say that curry is a must-have with alcohol, but the famous baseball player Ichiro reportedly ate curry every morning, so perhaps it's essential for maintaining a healthy body. Since curry is a dish that allows for various adjustments, try experimenting with different variations like adding it to spring rolls or making curry udon.


For turmeric powder & other curry spices, check here ↓         For a great deal on chickpeas, check here ↓



