
Diet for Heart Attack Prevention
心臓・循環器 · 2024/06/10
A couple of years ago, my father who was so energetic that he never caught a cold or the flu, suddenly collapsed due to a heart attack. Up until then, he enjoyed eating and drinking whatever he liked, but perhaps due to temporary overwork and stress on his blood vessels, he suddenly collapsed. My father loves eating, so even now he eats and drinks his favorite things. However, he has also started trying foods that he previously disliked, as long as they are good for his health. Over the past...

心臓・循環器 · 2024/06/09
一昨年、元気すぎて風邪もインフルエンザもひかない父が、心筋梗塞で倒れたことがありました。 それまでの父は好きなものを食べて好きなものを飲んで、楽しんでいましたが、一時的に過労状態になり、血管に負担がかかったのでしょうか、いきなり倒れたのです。...

Power of Blueberries
心臓・循環器 · 2024/06/08
've planted three varieties of blueberries in my herb garden, and just like last year, the type that produces the biggest berries has been the first to bear fruit this year. I've been enjoying them every morning mixed into my soy milk yoghurt - delicious. Most of you are probably aware that blueberries are good for your eyes. The antioxidant anthocyanin found in blueberries helps regenerate rhodopsin, the visual pigment present in the retina, which can improve vision, reduce eye strain and is...

心臓・循環器 · 2024/06/07
ハーブガーデンに3種類のブルーベリーを植えているのですが、去年に続いて今年も一番大きな実を付けるタイプのブルーベリーが最初に実りました。 毎朝、豆乳ヨーグルトに入れて美味しく頂いています。 そんなブルーベリーですが、目に良いのはほとんどの方がご存じかと思います。...

Komatsuna for Healthy Blood
心臓・循環器 · 2024/06/05
Komatsuna, a green-yellow leafy vegetable widely loved on Japanese dining tables, plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy blood with its abundant nutrients. Today, I'll discuss how komatsuna aids the blood flowing through our bodies. First, let's consider the difference between komatsuna and spinach, which are often compared. Komatsuna has a slightly milder bitterness than spinach and is characterised by a refreshing taste. Its crisp texture makes it suitable for stir-fries and ohitashi...

心臓・循環器 · 2024/06/03
小松菜は、日本の食卓で広く愛されている緑黄色野菜で、その豊富な栄養素は血液の健康維持に重要な役割を果たします。 今日は、小松菜が私たちに流れる血液にどんな手助けをしてくれるのかを書こうと思います。 まずは、小松菜と良く比較されやすい野菜、ほうれん草との違いについて考えてみると……...

Seaweeds for Vegans
心臓・循環器 · 2024/05/24
A plant-based diet can often lack important nutrients like vitamin B12 that are vital for red blood cell formation and maintaining proper nerve function. I consciously try to consume vitamin B12 myself, and take a supplement on days when I don't get enough from foods. Vitamin B12 is found abundantly in sea vegetables, so I researched some options. There is also something called nutritional yeast that seems high in B12 which I haven't tried yet, but plan to incorporate into my cooking soon. [5...

心臓・循環器 · 2024/05/23
プラントベースの食生活では、ビタミンB12などの赤血球の生成や神経系の機能維持重要な栄養素が不足しがちになります。 私も、日頃はビタミンB12は意識的に摂るようにしていて、不足している日はサプリメントで補っています。 ビタミンB12は海藻に多く含まれているので、以下の食材を調べました。...

Golden Week!  good liquor and its companion foods.
心臓・循環器 · 2024/05/01
How do you plan to spend Golden Week? For those who plan to enjoy some drinks during this holiday, here's some essential information. When it comes to drinking alcohol, you might think of "sashimi!" as the perfect accompaniment, but there's another item, "this," that many people also enjoy alongside their drinks. Today, let's talk about "this." When you drink alcohol, some people turn red themselves, while others might have friends who do. When you drink alcohol, there's a reaction happening...

心臓・循環器 · 2024/04/30
みなさん、ゴールデンウィークはどのようにお過ごしの予定でしょうか。 この連休はお酒を飲むぞ!という方には必見の情報です。 お酒のお供と言えば「お刺身!」という声が聞こえてきそうですが、もうひとつ、「これ」をお供にされている方もたくさんいらっしゃるとおもいます。 今日はその「お供」の話です。...
