
What's so good about being gluten-free?
腸内環境 · 2024/10/10
“Is gluten-free really beneficial for people without a wheat allergy?” I get this question quite a lot. Although many people are familiar with the term "gluten-free," there's often an assumption that it's only necessary for those who cannot tolerate gluten. I personally do not have a wheat allergy, but I have continued following a gluten-free lifestyle because I experienced many positive changes from it. Today, I'd like to share some of those changes as well as provide a bit of insight into...

腸内環境 · 2024/10/09
「グルテンフリーって小麦アレルギー以外の人にもいいんですか?」 この質問、結構多いです。グルテンフリーという言葉を知っている人はいても、それは、グルテンを受け付けない人のものというイメージが大きいようですね。...

Just Switching to Brown Rice Makes Such a Difference!: The Allure of the Healthy Brown Rice
腸内環境 · 2024/05/16
Brown rice has gained attention in recent years as an ingredient due to the rising health consciousness. Compared to white rice, it is higher in nutritional value and is said to offer various benefits. However, there is also an image that it is "hard and difficult to eat", and in reality, there are few opportunities for it to be served at the dining table. So this time, we will rediscover the appeal of brown rice and also introduce ways to eat it deliciously. Categories Brown Rice White Rice...

腸内環境 · 2024/05/15
玄米は、健康志向の高まりから近年注目されている食材です。 白米に比べて栄養価が高く、様々なメリットがあると言われています。 しかし、一方で"硬くて食べづらい"といったイメージもあり、実際に食卓に上る機会が少ないのが現状です。 そこで今回は、玄米の魅力を再発見し、美味しく食べる方法もご紹介します。 【白米と玄米の比較表】 項目 玄米 白米 栄養素...

Healthy Room
腸内環境 · 2024/05/05
Visualise your room... What's in it? What kind of room is it? Is it messy or tidy? I think one could say that a room reflects a person's life. A book lover's room would be lined with lots of books. A child-centered household would have lots of children's toys around. Personally, I'm not very good at tidying up, so I just have the bare essentials for daily life and items to enjoy my hobbies, positioned where I do each activity. However, since I have many "hobbies", things tend to accumulate, so...

腸内環境 · 2024/05/04
あなたの部屋を思い浮かべてください…… 何がありますか? どんな部屋でしょうか? 散らかっていますか?片付いていますか? 部屋というのは、人生を表していると言えると思います。 本が好きな人の部屋にはたくさんの本が並んでいて 子供中心のご家庭には子供のおもちゃがたくさんあることでしょう。...

Secret to Relieving Indigestion: That Food Also Used in a Bird's Name.
腸内環境 · 2024/04/27
Feeling a bit heavy in the stomach... Not quite feeling well in the stomach... At times like these, one's mood can also plummet. Somehow, work doesn't seem to progress smoothly. In the past, due to the effects of congenital scoliosis, I often experienced discomfort in my stomach and abdomen. Although adopting a vegan and gluten-free diet improved those troubles by enhancing gut health, I wondered if there was a simpler and easier way to alleviate discomfort without going to such lengths. So, I...

腸内環境 · 2024/04/26
なんだか胃が重たい…… 胃の調子がイマイチ……  そんなときは、気分も滅入ってしまいますね。なんだか仕事もはかどらない。...