
If now is good, then all is well?: The pumpkin that can save the future
骨・筋肉 · 2024/05/09
Diet is out of order...lack of exercise...ignoring back and hip pain... Today, this is an article that I would especially like women in such situations to read. Younger people, in particular, tend to forget that health goes hand-in-hand with beauty as they become overly focused on appearance. I used to be the same. However, now that cosmetic surgery has become readily available and we have more choices, we must not forget that the responsibility for what we choose lies with ourselves. The...
骨・筋肉 · 2024/05/08
食生活が乱れている……運動不足…… 背中や腰の痛みを放置している…… 今日は、特にそんな女性に読んでいただきたい記事です。...