 · 2024/10/11
ある日、私のスマホに営業電話が掛かってきました。通常ならば、忙しいのでと電話を切るのですが、その日は営業の方の声質が良かったので、少し話をきいてみようと思いました。しかし、私はその人の声に集中していたので、内容はあまり聞いていなかったのですよね。本当にすみません。 営業の人に「お客様、レチノールってご存じですか?」と聞かれ...

What's so good about being gluten-free?
腸内環境 · 2024/10/10
“Is gluten-free really beneficial for people without a wheat allergy?” I get this question quite a lot. Although many people are familiar with the term "gluten-free," there's often an assumption that it's only necessary for those who cannot tolerate gluten. I personally do not have a wheat allergy, but I have continued following a gluten-free lifestyle because I experienced many positive changes from it. Today, I'd like to share some of those changes as well as provide a bit of insight into...

腸内環境 · 2024/10/09
「グルテンフリーって小麦アレルギー以外の人にもいいんですか?」 この質問、結構多いです。グルテンフリーという言葉を知っている人はいても、それは、グルテンを受け付けない人のものというイメージが大きいようですね。...

 Fertility and Embracing the Harmony of Nature and Lunar Rhythms
Today, I’d like to share a personal experience that I hope will resonate with those of you trying to conceive, or dealing with menstrual pain and gynaecological concerns. As you read, try to imagine the scenes and feel the emotions behind them. Let’s take a mindful journey together. Having grown up in the countryside, where I lived in sync with the natural rhythms of the earth, embarking on the journey of trying to conceive became an opportunity to reconnect with the deep bond I had always...

今日の話は、特に妊活中の方をはじめ、生理痛、婦人科系の悩みをお持ちの方に読んでほしい内容です。 私の経験が、誰かの何かのヒントになれば、と思っています。 情景を頭で思い浮かべながら、心で感じながら読んでみてくださいね。...

Nutritional Science for Women from a Vegan Perspective: Age-Specific and Cultural Approaches
健康全般 · 2024/07/22
A woman's body changes with age, and each stage has its unique nutritional needs. For vegans, it's crucial to meet these needs solely through plant-based foods. Let's examine the characteristics and necessary nutrients for each age group, from teenagers to those in their 60s and beyond. Additionally, we'll consider vegan-appropriate nutrition for women from various cultural approaches, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western herbs. [Age-Specific Approach] Teens to Early 20s: Addressing...

健康全般 · 2024/07/11
女性の体は年齢とともに変化し、それぞれの時期に特有の栄養ニーズがあります。 ヴィーガンにとっては、これらのニーズを植物性食品のみで満たすことが重要になります。 10代から60代以降まで、各年代の特徴と必要な栄養素を見ていきましょう。...

What’s going to happen after eat?
健康全般 · 2024/07/10
Have you heard the saying, "You are what you eat"? This old adage actually contains a profound truth that is highly relevant in modern nutrition science. The food we consume daily is not merely a source of energy, but a crucial element that constitutes and regulates our bodies. However, for many people, the concept of a "balanced diet" may seem abstract and difficult to incorporate into their daily lives. So, let's explore the basics of nutrients and their practical applications in everyday...

健康全般 · 2024/07/08
「あなたの体は、あなたが食べたものでできている」 この古い格言は、実は現代の栄養学でも非常に重要な真理を含んでいます。 私たちが日々摂取する食事は、単なるエネルギー源ではなく、私たちの体を構成し、調整する重要な要素なのです。...

Tips for growing your hair quickly and beautifully
美容 · 2024/06/24
I'm currently growing out my hair, but I struggle with thick, curly hair and a lot of volume. The rainy season is particularly challenging, so every year, as soon as it begins, I get a special treatment at the hair salon. Well, when I arrived at the salon, the hairdresser asked, "Have you ever had a hair quality improvement treatment?" I thought I had tried all sorts of treatments before, so I answered yes, but I had no idea that this hair quality treatment would end up impressing me so much....
