 · 2024/10/22
前回お話しした、ホルモンバランスによるスキンケアですが、知識だけではどうしたらよいのかイマイチわからなかったりしますよね。 ですので、実際に秋で揺らいでいる私の肌で試してみることにしました。 私の前回の生理は9月23日に始まりました。その情報を元に計算して以下のプランを立てています。食事はヴィーガンスタイルです。...

Achieve Beautiful Skin by Harnessing Hormonal Balance
Suddenly, your skin breaks out...... Your hair feels dry and brittle... Your nails are splitting... These could be caused by an imbalance in your hormones. A woman’s hormonal balance changes frequently throughout different life stages and during her monthly cycle. Ignoring these changes in your daily life may result in premature ageing. Today, I'll explain how women's hormonal balance works, how it affects your appearance—particularly your skin—and what you can do to improve your concerns...

 · 2024/10/18
いつの間にか肌が荒れていた…… 髪がなんだかパサつく…… 爪が割れる…… これらの原因はホルモンバランスの乱れによるものかもしれません。 女性のホルモンバランスは、各ライフステージや月々の生理で頻繁に変化しています。 このことを無視して生活していると、年齢よりも早く年を取ってしまうかもしれません。...

Concerns About Your Jawline: Solutions You Can Start Today
美容 · 2024/10/17
Where do you feel concerned about your face? When I ask this question, the most common response is about the "lower half of the face." As we age, it seems as if our face lengthens vertically. Babies tend to have round, cute faces, but as adults, we become more elongated, don’t we? One of the reasons for this is the "temporomandibular joint" (TMJ). The jaw makes complex movements to allow us to talk and chew food. It’s not directly connected to the skull but is supported by several muscles...

美容 · 2024/10/16
あなたは顔のどこで悩んでいますか? お客様に、この質問をした時に多いのが「フェイスライン」「下半顔」の悩みです。 年齢と共に顔は縦に伸びていく印象があります。赤ちゃんはみんなまるくて可愛い顔をしていますが、大人になるとだんだん面長になりますよね? その原因の一つが「顎関節」です。...

Retinol and Bakuchiol
 · 2024/10/15
One day, I received a sales call on my smartphone. Normally, I would hang up because I’m busy, but on that day, the salesperson's voice was pleasant, so I decided to listen for a bit. However, I was so focused on their voice that I didn’t pay much attention to the content. I’m really sorry about that. The salesperson asked me, "Do you know about retinol?" I thought, oh, I need to respond… and I felt a bit flustered. Retinol is an anti-aging ingredient, so it became clear that the...

 · 2024/10/11
ある日、私のスマホに営業電話が掛かってきました。通常ならば、忙しいのでと電話を切るのですが、その日は営業の方の声質が良かったので、少し話をきいてみようと思いました。しかし、私はその人の声に集中していたので、内容はあまり聞いていなかったのですよね。本当にすみません。 営業の人に「お客様、レチノールってご存じですか?」と聞かれ...

What's so good about being gluten-free?
腸内環境 · 2024/10/10
“Is gluten-free really beneficial for people without a wheat allergy?” I get this question quite a lot. Although many people are familiar with the term "gluten-free," there's often an assumption that it's only necessary for those who cannot tolerate gluten. I personally do not have a wheat allergy, but I have continued following a gluten-free lifestyle because I experienced many positive changes from it. Today, I'd like to share some of those changes as well as provide a bit of insight into...

腸内環境 · 2024/10/09
「グルテンフリーって小麦アレルギー以外の人にもいいんですか?」 この質問、結構多いです。グルテンフリーという言葉を知っている人はいても、それは、グルテンを受け付けない人のものというイメージが大きいようですね。...

 Fertility and Embracing the Harmony of Nature and Lunar Rhythms
Today, I’d like to share a personal experience that I hope will resonate with those of you trying to conceive, or dealing with menstrual pain and gynaecological concerns. As you read, try to imagine the scenes and feel the emotions behind them. Let’s take a mindful journey together. Having grown up in the countryside, where I lived in sync with the natural rhythms of the earth, embarking on the journey of trying to conceive became an opportunity to reconnect with the deep bond I had always...
