
 Fertility and Embracing the Harmony of Nature and Lunar Rhythms
Today, I’d like to share a personal experience that I hope will resonate with those of you trying to conceive, or dealing with menstrual pain and gynaecological concerns. As you read, try to imagine the scenes and feel the emotions behind them. Let’s take a mindful journey together. Having grown up in the countryside, where I lived in sync with the natural rhythms of the earth, embarking on the journey of trying to conceive became an opportunity to reconnect with the deep bond I had always...

今日の話は、特に妊活中の方をはじめ、生理痛、婦人科系の悩みをお持ちの方に読んでほしい内容です。 私の経験が、誰かの何かのヒントになれば、と思っています。 情景を頭で思い浮かべながら、心で感じながら読んでみてくださいね。...

Soothing PMS with Tea
Don't women often find their moods are easily affected? Physically, I'm quite sturdy but mentally I'm quite fragile. My mother acknowledged this and I've always known I have an artistic temperament, so I've had to face this reality from a young age. Tea became my psychological stabiliser during this time. The first time I got into tea was in primary school. It started when my mother ordered some British teas from a mail order company called Felissimo that came in lovely tins. Seeing the tin...

その日一日が気分に左右されることってありませんか? 特に女性は、この悩みが付きまとう方も多いと思います。 私は、基本的にカラダは丈夫なのですがメンタルが弱いです。 それは、母のお墨付きで、自分がアーティスト気質なのもわかっているので、幼い頃から常にその現実と向き合わされてきました。そんな中、お茶は私の精神安定剤になっていました。...